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Témoignages de volontaires par...
1-9 des 235 projets

Jennifer S
Écovolontariat et protection des tortues marines au Mexique
From waking up to the sound of the waves crashing on the beach every morning; to seeing the sun set over the ocean every evening, every second spent there was incredible.
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Caitlin S
Écovolontariat bushveld africain au Botswana
I decided on the Conservation project in South Africa/Botswana because the idea of working in such a secluded and animal-orientated environment was a very exciting prospect for me.
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Clayre B
Écovolontariat bushveld africain au Botswana
I am extremely proud to have been part of a group that helped to remove a whopping 47 snares in one anti-poaching activity. Knowing it may prevent another animal suffering like this makes me feel like we achieved something.
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Clayre B
Écovolontariat bushveld africain au Botswana
I am extremely proud to have been part of a group that helped to remove a whopping 47 snares in one anti-poaching activity. Knowing it may prevent another animal suffering like this makes me feel like we achieved something.
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Sally M
Chantier Jeunes écovolontariat au Botswana
I loved actively helping out and removing the fences that were harming animals and blocking their migratory paths. It felt like I was really making a difference!
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Jake M
Écovolontariat dans la savane au Kenya
De-snaring was the most popular activity among the volunteers because you see the results of your work straight away. The snares can leave nasty injuries on the animals so it is our job to remove them.
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James W
Chantier Jeunes écovolontariat dans la savane au Kenya
I decided to volunteer in Kenya as I wished to see how animals live in their own natural habitat, not just how they acted in a zoo, which led me to the Conservation Project. The High School Special suited me as my summer holiday could only be so long and it allowed me to have a glimpse at what Africa could offer.
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Josh B
Écovolontariat dans la savane au Kenya
Visiting Africa was a dream of mine for my whole life. I remember watching nature documentaries as a child and being enchanted by the variety of animals and habitats in the world.
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Josh B
Écovolontariat dans la savane au Kenya
Visiting Africa was a dream of mine for my whole life. I remember watching nature documentaries as a child and being enchanted by the variety of animals and habitats in the world.
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